Thursday, April 22, 2010

LEGO: A Love Story

Jonathan Bender’s book “LEGO: A Love Story” is finally out. I am mentioned in it several times. You can get it on Amazon.

1 comment:

  1. Here is an excerpt:

    “It’s three in the morning, and I’ve been snapping yellow LEGO bricks into a twenty-foot wall for the better part of six hours. I haven’t seen a kid in the last four hours; instead, I’ve been building alongside Thomas Mueller, a thirty-two-year-old German transplant living in Los Angeles who is sipping Smirnoff Ice and handing me the bricks. He’s clad in black shorts, a black T-shirt, black socks, and black sneakers. With his round glasses and close-cropped brown hair, he reminds me of the stage managers from my days in musical theaters.”
